If you would like to speak about school related matters with any of our School Council Executive, please contact them via email schoolcouncilgroh@gmail.com

School Council Executive:

Co- Chairperson –  Karla Saa

Vice Chair –  Heather Fizgerald

Secretary –  Josi Pape

Treasurer –  Anastasia Uspenskaya


School Council Members at Large:

  1.       Carly Genys
  2.       Greg Pabisz
  3.       Deola Adegoke
  4.       Maya Al Haj Ali
  5.       Naseema Sulmana
  6.       Shilpi Patpatiya
  7.       Navanita Prasad
  8.       Sharan Jandu
  9.       Devonnie Melanson