Bullying and peer conflict

Here are some resources for parents and caregivers on bullying prevention and intervention:

Healthy relationships, consent and sexual relationships

Research shows that parent-child communication about sexual health encourages positive behaviour. Here are some resources to help:

Safe internet use and creating a positive digital footprint

Resources on appropriate and inappropriate use of the internet, social media and digital technology:

Drug and alcohol use

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning and more (LGBTQ+)

Information for families of students who identify as LGBTQ+, who are unsure of how they identify and who want to serve as allies of LGBTQ+ students:

Resiliency, stress and anxiety

Tips for helping children and teens build resilience and manage anxiety: from the

Eating Disorders

Information for families wanting to better understand Eating Disorders and related behaviour:


Information to help you understand the issue of suicide and learn about suicide prevention:


Resources and information about why some youth self-harm and how you can help your child:

Communicating with your teen

General Resources for Parents and Caregivers

Internet Gaming Disorder

E-Cigarette and Tobacco Use

Promoting Positive Body Image

Encouraging Healthy Physical Activity

Promoting Positive Mental Health

Social and Emotional Learning

Cultivating Care and Empathy
