Groh P.S. has established a Traffic Calming Committee in partnership with the Student Transportation Department in order to address the ongoing traffic concerns that exists in our community.  At our last meeting we only had one parent join our committee.  In order to be effective and address the unsafe traffic issues that exist we need more parents and community members to provide input and support.  Your voice is greatly needed.  Outlined below are some of our objectives to begin to address our concerns:
  • To improve the safety of children on school area streets and in the parking lot
  • To become a walking school by supporting and encouraging walkers, especially the youngest ones
  • To create a safer, happier journey for students using active travel
  • To increase the skills and comfort of students using active travel
  • To monitor effectiveness of initiatives and revise the School Travel Plan accordingly
​Our next meeting is on Wednesday, April 4th at Groh P.S. from 6:30-8:00 p.m.  If you are interested in joining our committee, please contact the school and register your name with Mrs. Schmidt.  The more parents and community members that we have the better solutions that we can create to ensure that our students arrive and leave our school safely.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Tinnes at the school.​