June 21st, 2017
As we are approaching the end of another school year, this September will be very different and exciting for your child(ren). Here is some information as you begin to think about the transition to Groh Public School.
First Day of School—September 5th, 2017
We are still under construction inside the building so we are not able to provide any tours of the school. However, we will be ready for September and the first day of school will be a “wow” factor once all the children come into the school for the first time.
For the first day of school, we are planning something special to mark our inaugural day. Please monitor our Groh Public School website for further details during the week before school begins in September. Also, we will be sending messages via School Day about our inaugural event. If you have not registered for School Day, please contact your current school’s secretary and she will be happy to assist you in registering to this important communication tool. JK students received an introduction letter in their green pamphlet explaining how to register for School Day.
You will not be needing a lot of school supplies. Students will need a backpack and a pencil case with a few pencils, pens, erasers. Students will not need to purchase duotangs, refill paper, binders, etc. The school will provide the rest of the learning materials for the children.
Bussing information is available on the STSWR website; http://www.stswr.ca/. You may log in using your child’s OEN number to see if you qualify for bussing. Generally speaking, all of our grade 1 to grade 7 students will be walking to school. Most of the JK/SK students are the only students who qualify for bussing.
Parents of JK students will receive a direct mail from STSWR during the week of August 15th listing their bussing arrangements . They will also receive a mailing from the transportation office in July to notify them of the Kindergarten First Ride program which will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 27, 2017 at various locations.
JK staggered entry information will be mailed out to parents in July. This package will have a letter from their teacher with the orientation time being held on Sept. 5th (this is not a full day of school for JK), and the staggered entry schedule for Sept. 6th and 7th. September 8th all JK students start attending full day everyday.
During the week of August 15th the STSWR will be sending postcards to parents of SK students with OEN numbers to notify them how they can access their transportation information under the STSWR website Student Login feature. Please note September 6th is the first day of school for all SK students.
School class lists will not be posted on the doors of the school, but communicated to you via a School Day message September 1st explaining how to check for your child’s teacher and homeroom.
We wish you all the best for the summer and we will see all of you on Tuesday, September 5, 2017!